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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Modern Wars

War, Victory, Expanding territories, Dominate, Rule all the lands, War Booty what these words mean to you in today’s world?

How to define these words? Has the definition still the same, may be literally, but what about in terms of tools, means and strategies.

Until few centuries ago, a war was a fight between Armies of two nation one defending and other attacking at the borders, with intentions of a chance to expand territory, dominate cultural aspects and rule the land of the losing nation.   And also to take over their wealth, diminish their culture and religion, create policies that they go way back into past in terms of development, un arming the nation so that they wont rise again, And slaughter whomever they want (mostly leaders and educated class so that they cant find a guidance to unite and prosper as a nation again).

The tools were swords, axes and man muscle  and strategy was simply take other down with force and power in a combat where a person riding an elephant with great muscle and a strong spear may win over a man on a horse with a sword. Those wars were easy to fight and strategies were quite simple. Muslims, in those times, had the power of their faith and desire of Shahdat to boost their Moral, giving an extra edge over the enemy.

Well this is 2011 the intentions and motivation behind war are still the same but what about the means. Our so called Jihadist group, Ulemas and Shaikhs are still stuck at the very thought of fighting the war same as in medieval times, just replacing swords with AK-47.

But times have changed, Just consider a below picture;

That’s a very small stall of Star bucks right outside Masjid-e-Nabvi (Prophet’s Mosque). This small stall is more effective than an army of 10 thousands. How  ?

Well first, we need to know that this territory is a Muslim only territory. In this region, non-Muslims are prohibited. Saudi Arabia has applied this rule strictly.  OK lets think for a second why would a non-Muslim would like to enter Medina. May be for trade, influence locals or may be prove their superiority.

Well a small star buck stall is enough for that.
Let us check some facts, ‘Starbucks’ is owned by Howard Schultz, an American Jew. In 1998, Schultz was awarded the "Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award" from the Jerusalem Fund of Aish Ha-Torah for "playing a key role in promoting a close alliance between the United States and Israel",also for his service and handsome donations it made for the Israeli establishment. 

Now Let us see how this small stall is affecting Muslims of the whole world (as Muslims from all over the world visit Medina):

  1. It is influencing the culture of Muslims for example, making them believe, a cappuccino is much better than their local drinks and tea.
  2. Money earned any where in the Muslim world is invested into an organization that gives a part of its profit to Israel establishment. Thus, your money is invested in-directly in Israeli establishment.

Now if you analyze, what I have mentioned above, the Non Muslims (who are not allowed to enter Medina) have achieved all their goals without even stepping a foot on Medina soil. Now imagine what affect does Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy(regarding not accepting Israeli establishment) has, when Money of Muslim(from all over the world) is being invested in Israel. Along with bonus of influencing Muslim cultures.

These are the new ways of winning a war, which, unfortunately our Muslim leaders fail to understand. To win a war now we need to focus on long term plans/strategy and need to replace AK 47 with high class education/research labs. In today's time weapons can only be used for destruction and not achieving the actual goals of War.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama or Obama

Osama’s Dead…….

What does that mean to us being a Muslim?
Every one since 2 days has the same discussion, some say it’s a hoax, some say its Obama’s strategy for upcoming election, and some say it’s true, for some it was ISI hiding him. It’s big news especially for

Americans and Pakistani, but being a Muslim what does this news mean?

Should I be happy, sad or simply ignore it.

 It’s a very grey domain especially for me because being a Muslim when I turn to Islamic scholars I get no

President Obama and his team

proper guidance, for Ulemas and Sheikhs sponsored by government he was a terrorist, a figure that tarnished the image of Islam, some one who interpreted the Hadiths wrongly, and used Quranic ayats for his own benefits. But then when you turn to Anti-Government and Anti-West Ulemas, he was a holy warrior, the true leader of Muslims, he was the true representative of Muslims who are suffering in the world like Palestine, Kashmir e.t.c.

Both parties use Islamic references Hadiths, Ayats, Stories of Sahabas and early Islamic leaders and warriors.

If Islam is a true religion and is for all the time and worlds, no matter how modern or backward the era gets, then why do we have these contradictions.

Where is the problem?

Why can’t I decide to be Happy, Sad or even ignore it?

Because, if I will be happy, that would mean the victory of western media, ideology and victory of the concept that what ever they say is true , what ever the western media is injecting into our minds is true and we should believe it with a close eye. Why I think that is because he was never trialed, prosecuted and he denied planning it several times. Watching movies like loose change and Fahrenheit 9/11 makes me believe that it’s an inside Job.

People celeberating Death of Osama in U.S.A

If I will be sad over his assassination then I feel like betraying millions of innocent lives (whether they were Christians or Muslims) that were lost during these 10 years. Also it would mean that I approve of his ways or methodologies to fight a war. There are so many practices associated with him that I simply cannot approve or accept in my life.

Or if I will ignore it, my inner self will not be at ease, thinking that I am a fool who is not aware of the tricks being played on him, for example, there is a possibility that he was CIA trained Agent who was assigned this task to create such circumstances to control Pakistani politics and nuclear assets, as Israel consider any strong, armed Muslim state to be a threat. America has played the same strategy with Russia and has used CIA trained Osama; America could use him again against Pakistan. But again these are all theories. No proof just theories of minds. Some people see glass half full, some see it half empty.

What is this confusion doing to Muslim world?

This confusion is causing Muslims to divide, Now Muslim world is divided into three groups, happy, sad and don’t care.

Now what will happen (which is the most dangerous out come of this confusion) is that these groups will try to fight with each other with all possible means they have, to impose and prove their ideology? You will see more talk shows with in intelligent educated groups, more suicide bombing and killing of innocent Muslims with in, already fragile, Muslim countries, and more protests. Intense increase in differences with in different sects of Islam, who are already fighting and are away from each other, in one way or the other.

And every Muslim is supposed to look up to Islam for an answer, as Islam is a religion for every time, era and situation.  Islam does guide us as mentioned in the below Quranic verse.

“And hold tight to the rope of Allah and divide not,” [Ale-Imran: 103],

No matter what the situation is, no matter how confuse you are. You should always remember one

Circled Red is young Osama Bin Laden in U.S.A
thing we all are Muslims, no matter what our sect, race, country and culture is, we must never go against our other Muslim brother. We always have to stay united. And Muslim Uma should never let any external force, to apply “divide and conquer” rule on us.

And in this time of confusion, I appeal to all Muslims Ulemas, sheikhs and people with influence, no matter you are anti government, pro government, moderate , Happy, Sad or don’t Care, to focus on and preach the unity among Muslims and try not to divide them in any way or sense.

And only time (or Wikileak J ) will tell, in future whether we should be happy, sad or just ignore it.

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